Wednesday, April 24, 2013

15 Months...errr...and 16 Months

Well, this is how I started this post three weeks ago...

So, things have been crazy busy around here, but I'm feeling guilty that my baby girl has been 15 months for two weeks and I haven't written her letter to her (wasn't part of the point of this blog to record her life and our memories?  Oh yes, it was.)

To My Sweet Genevieve,

I just thought the other day that it's almost hard to remember that you weren't always walking and it's only been two months since you took off across the room for the first time.  Now you're running, trying to stand on one foot, standing on your toes and can "back up" (my personal favorite).  We have had awesome weather for weeks and have been to the zoo twice, multiple parks and have started to explore the pool that's on the roof of our building.
Running at Hermann Park
First petting zoo experience (poor goat)

You went through a week or so when you didn't like taking your bath anymore but you're over that and loving the water again.  I showed you how you can put your face in the water and now you don't even mind having water poured over your head (well, you still mind a little) and will plunge your face in the suds over and over laughing and giggling.

Your laugh is my favorite sound of all time, hands down.

For a baby who only had two teeth fully in on your first birthday you have been making up lost time in that department--I just noticed today that tooth #11 is making it's way in!  We try to brush your teeth every night, but with all of those teeth popping through sometimes your gums are a little too tender and you don't want us to, though other nights you really enjoy it.

Sometimes there is just too much going on to sit down and eat a real meal so I'm trying to find snacks that are healthy and fill you up.  A few favorites are: cheese sticks, baby bananas, fruit leather, graham crackers, blueberries, blackberries and pears.

Now, why didn't I press post?  Oh, that's right, I was having technical issues and couldn't get the pictures added...okay, so I didn't have a total Mommy-fail, I really did write the 15 month post when you were 15 months!

Now to 16 month...where do I even begin?!  I guess where I always begin...

To My Sweet Genevieve,
You are so active and independent these days, it's exciting and exhausting for "Mum Mum" and "Da-deee."

If I had to pick one word to describe you right now it would be fearless.  Most other parents are surprised at just how adventurous and daring you are.  It's a positive in a lot of ways because you try new things and gain new skills quickly, but we've had to dive to save you from certain death, or at lease serious injury on many occasions...the days of holding court in the tunnel at the park seem like ancient history now.
Climbing at one of our favorite playgrounds.
Chasing balls at City Centre.

You are also one of the toughest kids on the playground and you love trying to keep up with the big kids.  Just the other day you were chasing a ball with a three-year-old and fell and skinned your knee (for the first time) and you hardly missed a step--you stood right back up and kept on running.

Your favorite foods right now include pasta, blackberries, grapes, grilled cheese, macaroni and cheese with peas, ham, yogurt, cheese and sunflower butter and banana sandwiches. 

You love everything about the kitchen too...the refrigerator, pantry, broom and dust pan, pots, pans, bowls, the oven (which must have the light on if something's cooking so you can monitor it) and of course, the dishwasher.

Putting away the clean silverware.
Cleaning up after helping make pizza dough.

The biggest developmental change you're going through right now is transitioning from two naps (which you've been taking regularly for over six months) to one nap--it's been a little rough, but we're making progress.

Celebrating Mommy's birthday at Whole Foods
Your first nature walk at the Houston Arboretum.

Baby girl, your Daddy and I love you so much and we can't wait to see what the next month holds in store for you, especially as we prepare to move into our new house!


Friday, April 5, 2013

I'm a Guest Blogger :)

I shared a little about the first weeks of our little peanut's life over at Blissful Beginnings today.  My college friend, Stephanie Neunuebel is a doula in The Woodlands, Texas and her blog and website are a great resource for new and expectant parents.

Go here to check it out!