To My Sweet Genevieve,
Another month has zoomed past us and you are now 19 months old. Last night I was reflecting on all the milestones you have reached during the last few weeks--you've graduated from your high chair to a booster seat at the table, started sitting on the potty before and after bath time, mastered the "ba" sound adding new words to your vocabulary and the most significant (to me at least) is that you are completely weaned from nursing.
I could tell you were almost ready to drop your bedtime snack of "momma milk," then one night you requested a cup of (cows) milk before your bedtime story and after Daddy read your stories to you all you wanted from me was to snuggle, rock and have me sing a few songs. You were finished--18 months and 1 week after you were placed in my arms and nursed for the first time--it was even a Monday, just like the night you were born. It was bittersweet for me at first, but I was so glad it was your idea and you have loved coming to get me after your story time with Daddy so I can sing a few songs to you. You've even started to hum along to "Amazing Grace" and "Silent Night" and sign "more" when you want me to sing it again.
Speaking of signing "more" you can say more now too! It's still your most common sign and you have even started using it to try to communicate with other children using the sign if you want to play with something when they take their turn on a toy you were eyeing or playing with and when you are having fun playing a game like peek-a-boo, giving high fives or getting hugs.
We did make it back to the library a few times this month to check out books and attended a session about dinosaurs recently which was really geared for kids a bit older than you but you really liked the big fossils and the "dino dig" at the end of the session. In addition to dogs, cats, birds, squirrels, wild animals and farm animals, dinosaurs have become one of your favorite creatures and you love watching the show "Dinosaur Train" about a family of Pteranodons who tend to break in to song as they explore the different time periods dinosaurs were alive during.
A new favorite song is "The Hokey Pokey" and you are perfecting putting your "right leg in" and you've got the "turn yourself around" down, which we're still trying to capture it on video.
You continue to be very inventive and created your own game that we call "Blockhead" where you put a large soft nesting block on your head so it completely covers your face and walk around running into things and laugh hysterically. You've gotten so good at navigating our house blind you can go up and down the two stair steps on the main level without trouble. You also enjoy going "shopping" in your dresser and collect all of your socks and put them in a bag. You have had a lot of fun helping be in the kitchen especially since we've been hosting frequently now that we're settled in a little more.
We had a great visit with Pappap and Grammy this month. We did a little shopping and Pappap bought you your first bike and we went on an extra-long hike in Memorial Park when I accidentally took a new path and ended up on the Outer Loop of the park (oops). We also made sure they sampled our favorite breakfast tacos and went to Rudy's for breakfast one morning.
Your favorite books this month have been The 12 Days of a Minnesota Christmas (a must read for anyone with a Minnesota connection) and Go Dog Go. Your new words include "more," "bubble," "ball," "ba" (banana), "ball" (clementine), and to Grammy and Pappap's delight, "Pappap" and "ma" (Grammy).
I love you, Vivie and couldn't imagine my life without you and your spunky spirit.